WebAstilbe arendsii FLAMINGO Aukštis 40 cm, plotis 30 - 45 cm. Lapai tamsiai žali, blizgūs. Žydi liepos - rugpjūčio mėn. rožiniais žiedais. Mėgsta saulėtas ar pusiau pavėsingas vietas, drėgną, pralaidų, derlingą dirvožemį. Atspari ligoms ir šalčiui. 4.50 € Plačiau Astilbė japoninė DEUTSCHLAND Astilbe japonica DEUTSCHLAND Baltos spalvos žiedynai. WebFlamingo Astilbe is a mounding herbaceous perennial with sharply toothed dark green fern-like foliage. Feathery erect to arching branched panicles of flamingo pink flowers …
WebFlamingo Astilbe has masses of beautiful plumes of pink flowers at the ends of the stems from early to mid summer, which are most effective when planted in groupings. The … Garden Astilbe are a popular choice for shady gardens, where they perform well if given a rich, moist soil and regular watering. This selection features arching flamingo-pink plumes of flowers, over a mound of elegant, lacy green leaves. Also thrives in tubs, or mixed containers. Fertilize in April and June. cryptoplatform bybit
Flamingo Astilbe (Astilbe x arendsii
WebPlant number: 1.086.950. Astilbe are a popular choice for shady gardens, where they perform well if given a rich, moist soil and regular watering. This new introduction is tall reaching up to 1.2m (4 ft). Features showy, upright, velvety, red flower spikes over boldly divided dark green and chocolate brown to reddish foliage. WebDescriere: Magnolia 'Flamingo' este o varietate de magnolie din familia Magnoliaceae, cunoscută pentru frumusețea și spectaculozitatea florilor sale. Este un arbore ornamental de mărime medie care se remarcă prin flori mari, roz, cu un aspect atrăgător. Frunzele Magnoliei 'Flamingo' sunt căzătoare, de formă ovală sau eliptică, de culoare verde … WebPlant number: 1.087.130 (='Purpurlanze') Astilbe are a popular choice for shady gardens, where they perform well if given a rich, moist soil and regular watering. This tall, late-blooming selection features showy, magenta-purple plumes, over a mound of elegant, lacy green leaves. Also thrives in tubs, or mixed containers. Excellent for cutting. cryptoplay + adsbtc + dealprice